1:1 Mentoring


Efficiency : 20 hour reduction in a key process

Effectiveness : Redesign of stock management

  • The client was experiencing issues with time management, task prioritisation, workplace organisation and other general issues impacting their effectiveness in their role.

  • Coaching provided to support the development of 5S principles, implementing a Default Diary and creation of Process Maps to significantly reduce the time wasted in the business on Non Value Add activities.

  • Significant reduction in time taken to complete key tasks through improved Workplace Organisation and implementation of Best Practice Processes.

    Improved Time Management and greater focus on priority tasks.

    Increased opportunities for Business Growth through identification of new sales channels.

    Improved wellbeing through the elimination of issues and embedding a culture of Continuous Improvement.

Cost avoidance - retail operations


Costs : €350,000 avoidance in annual operating costs

Productivity : 500% increase

  • The client wanted to grow their business by increasing the volume of complex customer applications completed each year.

    They had estimated an additional 7 employees would be required to support the increase.

    However, they only had a budget for 4 additional employees.

  • Completion of the customer applications was observed and process steps were mapped and measured. Additional interactions across different business units and management were also observed.

    Exisiting workflow data was reviewed ad compared with the output from the observations.

  • It was identified that the client had capacity within their existing available resources to effectively cope with the projected increase in workflow.

    Through coaching of the leadership team focusing on effective time management and workflow management, the team increased their productivity from 3 to 15 customer applications per week per person.

Customer lead time reduced - operations team


Lead time : reduced from 27 days to 2 days

Costs : €54,000 reduction in annual operating costs

Productivity : 300% increase

  • The client was aware that they were taking too long to process complex customer applications compared to competitors.

    However, they were unable to identify opportunities to reduce the customer lead time.

  • Observations and interviews were completed to map the end to end process, measuring average completion times for each stage and identifying waiting times and bottlenecks in the process.

  • A minor change to the structure to the team allowed for a significant reduction in interruptions to the process flow.

    An effective Problem Solving Framework was implemented along with improvements to Performance Management and Employee Training and Development.

Cycle Time reduced - operations team


Time saved : 50% reduction

  • The client wanted to grow their business however they were aware that their processes were not documented. They also had concerns about the efficiency of the processes.

  • We completed observations of the processes, mapped and measured the steps to gain a better understanding of their current state and to help identify opportunities for improvement.

    Further observations and interviews were completed to understand the end to end business. This enabled us to identify further issues that were impacting the core tasks and the customer experience.

  • Mapping the key processes led to simple automation of the manual and repetitive tasks. It also supported a more effective approach to performance management through process confirmation, earlier identification of problems and training/development programs for employees.

    A Problem Solving Framework was implemented, along with the facilitation of training to resolve issues before they became accepted and embedded in the process.